We’ll discuss 16 laws. Then connect all those laws into one picture of IT world. Plus, there’s going to be a town of additional material for self-study, and deeper understanding and practical use in our everyday work. Material is based on many years of “managing” and “educational” work of reporter, and might be useful for everybody: starting from a young specialist to IT bison, at least, as a way for systematizing of practical experience. The talk will be built through “near-science” prism, but on fingertips, and I guarantee it will be easy to understand and useful for the widest circle of listeners, directed to “understanding” of IT-processes – the basics of success in IT.
Anton Semenchenko
CSO, DPI.Solutions
QA Automation COMAQA.BY and hardcore development CoreHard.by community founder, co-founder of DPI.Solutions, manager at EPAM Systems. More than 15 years of experience in IT, main specialization: automated testing, low-level development on C++ and lower, management, sales.