Anton Semenchenko, DPI.Solutions
October 30, 2016
6 hours
In Russian only
Attendance is free for the conference participants
6-hour master class, devoted to more than 40 metrics, presentation of more than 300 slides, which is built on the practical experience of the author, theoretical base, and surveys by COMAQA.by community and software-testing.ru and panel discussions in Minsk, Novosibirsk, Penze, Saratov, Moscow and St.Petersburg. Come join us, it’s going to be interesting!
Participants will benefit from having laptop with MS Excel with them.
About master-class instructor
Anton Semenchenko
CSO, DPI.Solutions
QA Automation COMAQA.BY and hardcore development CoreHard.by community founder, co-founder of DPI.Solutions, manager at EPAM Systems. More than 15 years of experience in IT, main specialization: automated testing, low-level development on C++ and lower, management, sales.