Establishing the OKAY Internet Store Automated Testing Process | CEE-SECR 2016 Establishing the OKAY Internet Store Automated Testing Process – CEE-SECR 2016
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Establishing the OKAY Internet Store Automated Testing Process

In my report, I would like to share my experience integrating automated software testing during the creation of OKAY Internet store. The establishment and debugging of the automated testing process, accompanied by a multitude of difficulties, entailed, in part, the debugging of continuous integration (CI) “from scratch”, as well as, due to the particularities of the IBM WebSphere Commerce platform, writing our own tool for CI. I have no doubt that the report will be of interest not only to everyday testers and test leads planning to integrate automation in their own projects, but also project leaders, who prefer to take into account both the benefits and the possible risks of launching such a type of automated software testing.

Anastasiya Kugach

Anastasiya Kugach

Senior test engineer, Reksoft

I graduated Saint Petersburg State University with a degree in Applied Mathematics. I’ve been testing since the year 2012 and during the years of my work, I’ve taken part in various projects and dealt with various challenges in software testing – from mobile apps to complex bank systems.


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