Presentations | CEE-SECR 2016 Presentations – CEE-SECR 2016
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8 Votes: I’m interested!
Evgeniya Smorodnikova

Quantified approach to productivity – cases & researches

Our productivity depends on our health, energy and stress much more then from tools we use.

How to connect data flows about your health and lifestyle with your productivity KPI’s and what can we get from it?

This speech is about researches maid by Welltory Inc on IT companies.

4 Votes: I’m interested!
Igor Sazonov

Moodle LMS from programmer point of view

The main points of programming for Moodle is architecture, modules types, the internal APIs, cases, approaches and entry points, desired database tables, security shortcomings, the FrontEnd.

5 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitry Lobasev
7 Votes: I’m interested!
Andrew Filev

Lean UX and Design Sprints: How to build market leading product, 5 days at a time

Design is problem solving. The products we design are only ever as good as how we first define and understand the problems we are solving. When organizations need to change products fast – there is limited time for the design teams to do the activities needed to solve the problem and deliver a viable solution. Learn how you can get aligned with the key stakeholders on the personas, situations for these users, the business goals, and the problems found in products. At Wrike, we are…

2 Votes: I’m interested!
Maxim A. Voltchenko

To become a successful global IT company or launch a successful product what kind of brand (name) do you wish to create?

Tips and Tricks Shared by A U.S. and Russian Lawyer

1. Naming IT company or product. How to pick a name that will help you sell your product, and yet be legally protectable and defensible. What you should not do in naming (branding). The risks of choosing a name that connects your product with a well-known platform or brand by making the well-known brand to be part of your brand.

2. Choosing a legal and factual home (jurisdiction) for your company. Different issues: forming…

8 Votes: I’m interested!
Vladislav Kudinov
2 Votes: I’m interested!
Valentin Onossovsky

Light mobile applications – an alternative to traditional ecosystem model?

It seems that traditional “ecosystem” model of creation, distribution and update of mobile apps begins to exhaust itself. Voices of critics of traditional mobile apps are getting louder. Chatbots within messengers, that are getting very popiular during last time, are considered as one of possible
alternatives. Are there other alternative approaches? What should be the major requirements for new generation of mobile apps? What are the prospects of the new approach for…

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Ales Zivkovic

Who Needs Documentation Anyway?

In this presentation, we will address the need for documentation in software development projects from the viewpoint of various stakeholders (i.e. development team, management, client, regulatory bodies, IT auditors, etc.). Although agile manifesto values “Working software over comprehensive documentation”, a lot of teams misuse or misunderstand it as “documentation is not required or needed”. In non-agile, but still iterative software development, the requirements…

9 Votes: I’m interested!
Irina Vinogradova

“Sign of quality” as a tool to analyze the customer perception of the product

Quality from the customer’s point of view – a set of product’s characteristics that ensure a positive customer experience throughout the life cycle: from the purchase, deployment and daily operation of the product, through effective support, willingness to renew the license and readiness to recommend product to colleagues. Various aspects of the perception of quality compose a single picture – if one aspect suffers, the overall customer satisfaction falls. I’ll tell you…

4 Votes: I’m interested!
Oleg Koutyrine
9 Votes: I’m interested!
Irina Gertovskaia

Work of the analyst in a dispersed team: problems and decisions

ispersed teams possess a number of considerable benefits in competitive struggle in case of software development. But in work of analysts there were new difficulties, existing were aggravated. In the report experience of the problem resolution of remote work of analysts will be provided. The main attention is paid to intra command problems.

29 Votes: I’m interested!
Irina Leshchuk

Measuring unmeasurable: skills, knowledge and competences

We would like to share with you our experience of creating and implementing a competency model for the employees of Grid Dynamics, a leading software engineering company. Our goal was to make a solution that automates the enterprise resource management process and, at the same time, helps our employees in their professional development and skills assessment.

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Roman Kvartalnov

How to lead an express-audit of design systems, portals or mobile apps

During the project support’s service we lead the results audit for the frontend developers and other designers. The main goal of our talk is the audit check-list based on our audit experience that helps you to check your contractor.

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Pavel Korotkiy

Product development based on business problem

In this report, we will talk about product development. As example we will review mobile apps development.

10 Votes: I’m interested!
Vladimir Prus

Building C++ Boost, and Boosting C++ Builds

This talk will discuss Boost.Build, a mature open-source build system for C++ that was created as part of Boost C++ Libraries project and has became a good option for any modern C++ project. We’ll cover initial requirements and main unique features, such as compiler-independent build properties, automatic support for building multiple variants, and declarative build requirements that allow you to adjust to different compilers in a clean high-level way. We’ll discuss key algorithms for…

18 Votes: I’m interested!
Oleg Nenashev

Jenkins 2. How to make a major OSS project release and not break the community?

Jenkins is a one of the most popular automation servers in the world, which is being widely used in Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and DevOps areas. Even after ten years, the project actively evolves. I’m going to talk about the key focuses in the project and its community after the Jenkins 2 release on April 2016. Which lessons did we learn? What changes should be expected? How does it impact Jenkins admins and common users?

15 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitry Bezuglyy

Business Agility and Digital transformation. What, why and how?

For a long time successful practices of communication betwin IT and business units were at odds with the canonical views on the development of solutions.

As part of the report the transition will be formulated and describes the best practices of product design for software development.

4 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Yakovlev

On the question of the practical application of blockchain in the financial industry

Practical experience with blockchain in the financial industry.Implementing specific proof-of-concept prototype electronic voting securities holders system. Proof of unexpected disadvantages and implicit advantages by the example of one of the first implementations in Russia. Recommendations for the industry.

The report is designed for professionals and IT managers who are interested in practical experience with various blockchain platforms and technological features of applications…

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Evgeny Vinogradov

Machine learning as everyday technology

One of the problems we faced when launching machine learning was difference in expertise. IT people are usually good at math and technology, business people normally deal with its outcomes and processes, but the key to success is in collaboration of these two areas.

I’m going to talk about our experience in pushing machine learning to business users and made it everyday technology: approaches, pitfalls, some issues and solutions, and tecnical side of a problem.

27 Votes: I’m interested!
Alex Chistyakov

Using Hadoop stack to build a cloud VAT declarations revising service

Recent changes in Russian federal law require organizations to submit tax information in electronic form. Federal Tax Service of Russia revises this information and sends automatically generated claims. “Kontur.NDS+” project helps businesses to perform this revising in the cloud before tax documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service. “Kontur.NDS+” is built on Hadoop stack (which is quite common), sharded and replicated Solr (which is quite common too, but…

6 Votes: I’m interested!
Boris Sedov

Domain-Specific Programming Technology for Heterogeneous Manycore Platforms

Development of embedded systems is an attempt to solve a task of some domain on the heterogeneous hardware, which is not easy to program. This complicated process involves many professionals: domain experts, programmers and hardware specialists.
We will introduce to you a boom technology, which goal is to make easier the development process of embedded systems. For each workflow participant the technology provides an opportunity to work on their own abstraction level and at the same…

8 Votes: I’m interested!
Ivan Pankov

Titanic.csv – How to spot the top of an iceberg in the ocean of bugs?

Text mining in the process of software acceptance testing – what can we find and where?
What we have learned from the text descriptions in our information system.
How to extract knowledge and use it in practice.
The most interesting ways of development of such systems.

8 Votes: I’m interested!
Yury Mikhailuts

Developing a High-Level Language Compiler for a Computer with Programmable Architecture

The following work describes a project development of the C compiler for computing systems with programmable architectures. The compiler has been implemented on the base of OPS (Optimizing Parallelizing System, and a converter of C language into VHDL (C2HDL). An example of the compiler use has been presented in the article.

39 Votes: I’m interested!
Denis Gabidullin

PTP support with FPGA. Fullstack (hardware/software) development

Presentation will cover problem categories that are not suitable for solving on general-purpose processors. And which fit well on FPGA architecture.

As example we will observe PTP support on System-On-Chip FPGA.

In our example FPGA firmware will contain network packets timestamping and PTP Hardware Clock modules.

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Mikhail Malevannyy

Robust binding to syntactic elements in a changing code

This paper received Bertand Meyer Award and was published by ACM DL.

We present a method of saving a robust binding to syntactic elements in source code. It enables one to save a binding to a code fragment and find this code fragment in a modified code. Robustness is achieved by saving several types of context and using a fuzzy search algorithm. We present a tool for code markup that enables quick navigation across a project is developed. It supports different programming…

33 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Ovchinnikov

In-Stream Processing blueprint: building cloud ready, enterprise grade reliable and scalable, 100% open source service

In-Stream Event Processing is a new approach for building near real time big data systems with rapidly growing user base and applications like clickstream analytics, preventive maintenance or fraud detection. Maturity of some open source projects enables building an enterprise grade In-Stream Processing service in-house. However the open source world comprises of many competing projects of different maturity, having different perspectives so the task to select effective and efficient…

10 Votes: I’m interested!
Ilya Niklyaev

Fast prototype of UAV control system

In this paper we present our experience in development of autonomous control system of UAV. The visitors will get to know about the technologies, which we have used and which have made it possible to develop a full-functioning prototype within a short time. The paper contains a set of explicit suggestions how to organize prototype development process, choose middleware system and to setup and use ROS components and third-party packages. We also compare prototype-based approach with parallel…

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Ksenia Lobataia

Aspects of KPI deployment or how to prove that your “green” project is really “green”

In my presentation I would like to tell about an approach to development and deployment of the KPI-system in T-Systems Russia, which is valuable for projects with different levels of complexity, size, scope and methodology. KPI-system is applicable for for Agile framework and for classic Waterfalls alike. It is a useful tool for control for the project management, while for top-management it provides objective status of projects with highlighted areas requiring additional attention.

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Igor Odintsov

Application experience of the agile education in information technologies

We analyze the history of education, applying the dialectical triad thesis – antithesis – synthesis. Moreover, under the “thesis” we understand “vocational education (mentoring)”, “antithesis” – “European higher education” and policy that recognizes their value, preserving dignity and avoiding deficiencies, becomes a “agile education”. Next, we elaborate on quite a large range of instruments agile education and…

10 Votes: I’m interested!

A SLAM Research Framework for ROS

Nowadays a framework that provides a common set of components in order to speed up SLAM research is not publicly available. The paper introduces a framework that is under development and provides a set of components that simplify creation of methods based on 2D laser scan processing. The description of tinySLAM and GMapping implementations atop of the framework is provided in order to justify its usability.

Robot Operating System users interested in development of SLAM methods is a…

16 Votes: I’m interested!
Eugeniy Tyumentcev

About SOLID principles: mathematical proof and software constructions that violate SOLID

We will discuss the key ideas for a mathematical proof of SOLID principles. It will be shown that they can be generalized to the procedural and functional programming.

10 Votes: I’m interested!
Felix GV

Fast Online Access to Massive Offline Data at LinkedIn

Voldemort is an open-source distributed key value store capable of bulk loading large data sets from Hadoop. At LinkedIn, the Voldemort clusters ingest more than 100 terabytes of fresh data every day, while serving requests at sub-millisecond latency. This talk explains the Voldemort architecture, what recent improvements were contributed, and how to get started.

The intended audience is software developers interested in leveraging Voldemort in their own stack, and infrastructure…

13 Votes: I’m interested!

Fast and accurate restoration of blurred image obtained by rotating the camera

The article deals with the blurred image restoration obtained by rotating camera. The computation error analysis is provided and its influence to the quality of restored image is considered. The designed and implemented algorithm of image restoration is described in this paper. The complexity of the algorithm is C*N. This algorithm slightly accumulating computational rounding error.

7 Votes: I’m interested!
Natalia Sprogis

Eye tracking in UX Research

Based on Mail.Ru Usability Lab experience I’ll talk about using eye tracking in UX research. I’m going to tell about different types of eye trackers and their use, the benefits and limitations of using eye tracker in UX research and describe some specific successful cases of our lab.

11 Votes: I’m interested!
Marina Kudinova

Patenting & Open source

Often people are using misconceptions about some aspects of patenting. In this report, I would like to analyze facts about patents and to reveal some common misconceptions. In addition, I have noticed that some programmers are thinking that patents are harmful or useless. The situation with software patents is one of the most controversial parts of patenting. In the report, I will analyze how the patenting system can influence on open source and other software companies. I will also analyze…

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Andrey Dmitriev

Performance management 101

In this talk I’ll give an overview of performance management approach to testing as well as performance management of a project in general.

16 Votes: I’m interested!
35 Votes: I’m interested!
Aleksandr Lazarenko

Anonymity of Tor: myth and reality

The mechanisms of Tor anonymity will be discussed as well as the methods of users deanonimization, specially designed for breaking the anonymity.

9 Votes: I’m interested!
Victor Chernogorov

Features of mobile development for connected devices

Possibilities developing mobile applications for connected devices.
Features of power consumption.
Authorization and methods of data protection.
Data channels (which to choose and why).
Prospects (big data, machine learning, computer vision).

8 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Zykov

The Online Evolution: from Early Repositories to State-of-the-Art MOOCs

This paper summarizes the progress of the online education for the recent 15 years. The trends detected include multi-source courseware, massive education, intensive analytics, professional marketing and high portability, to name a few. Since our experience in the online education is over a decade, it makes sense to analyze how the technological progress and market pace changed the appearance and lifecycle of the online courses. We analyze the key factors that influence the learning…

69 Votes: I’m interested!
Mikhail Gromov

The long way to DevOps

There is no secret that the DevOps is very fashionable and trendy now. One of the goals of “Sberbank Technology” in 2017 is the adaptation of seamless technology development and deployment. But what it is caused? Is it desire to be in a trend or it’s a necessity that has arisen on the way to increase the level of maturity of software development?

In this report I will talk about a transforming production model from the traditional to the Agile and Fast Waterfall by…

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Lagutkin

The evolution of computing system’s remote control ideology from PICMG/IPMI to RedFish/OData

This report examines the evolution of computing system’s remote control ideology. The remote control standard structure has evolved from “extensive definition” byte-describing integral form to protocol/data model divided pattern with wide usage of well-known standards. The new approach helps to accelerate the development as well as to reduce total cost of solution.

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Evgenii Anastasiev

Cloud Wolverine: The fastest data recovery

The aim of this paper is reducing recovery time of a failed component in a distributed storage system, hence, increasing availability of the entire cloud infrastructure. Using proposed data placement method, we showed that recovery time of LRC codes can be reduced by 70%-80% on average, and by 160% for regenerating codes, compared to the classical approaches. Besides, this work presents an efficient algorithm of scaling regenerating codes that allows using these codes in dynamic clusters.…

9 Votes: I’m interested!

Extending MIPSfpga platform with open source tools and IP-blocks

MIPSfpga is the RTL source code of the MIPS microAptiv microprocessor core for implementation on an FPGA ( with a complete set of teaching materials. This report will show how to combine MIPSfpga-based SoC from open-source IP-cores using open-source software.

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitry Schitinin

Streaming matching of events

This paper received Bertand Meyer Award and was published in ACM DL.

We describe an approach to streaming matching of events and filters by an example of subscriptions for new offers in web services Yandex.Realty,, Yandex.Travel and others.

We present the reactive approach to the problem.

The abstract model is described as well as a distributed reliable implementation based on Akka and ZooKeeper.

The talk is targeted at software engineers building…

11 Votes: I’m interested!
Pavel Pykhtin

Rewriting no refactoring

In our presentation we talk about the topic that is vital for many developers – support and evolution of the code of the project. The presented material is based on our real project experience. We discuss the problems we have faced working with legacy code and how we have resolved them. We say also about technical debt, why it happens, what sequences it causes and how to resolve it. We examine the issue of legacy code support, the corresponding risks, possible strategies of evolution of…

7 Votes: I’m interested!
Maxim Tsepkov

Process and Case Management in software: from support As Is to Business Development

Contemporary personalization of services cannot be provided by the conventional business-processes that are well known and supported in IT sphere, and it becomes a problem for business. Traditionally personalized fields, such as medicine or law, use Case Management for the business organization, but the approach makes high demands to the staff. My report considers the original conjunction of Process Management and Case Management approaches which makes possible solving of this problem. We…

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Margarita Titova

Design based on user requirements

I’ll tell you about our experience in b2b product design for a narrow target audience, about our failures and victories. If you are associated with the design and research, I think we will have something to discuss, and my experience will be useful to you.

13 Votes: I’m interested!

Current state and future of solutions for develop enterprise cross-platform mobile applications.

Why hybrid mobile applications so popular in enterprise sector.

Overview of current solutions(Cordova/PhoneGap, Rhomobile), comparison with alternative solutions(Xamarin, Appcelerator, QT, RubyMotion, etc.).

Vision of architecture future solutions.

51 Votes: I’m interested!
Irina Radchenko

Rising of Citizen Data Science

In 2016 Gartner Inc. predicted that the demand for Citizen Data Scientists will increase five times more quickly than the demand for Data Scientists. Author will consider an educational project, which lies in line with the concept of Citizen Science and Data Science. The report will also address the basic principles of Citizen Science, oriented for use in Open Data projects.

9 Votes: I’m interested!
Ilya Kudryavtsev

Teaching digital electronics and microprocessors in a university

Approach to teaching of digital electronics and microprocessors is discussed. Main topics of the course, requirements to its content are described. Briefly discussed modern tendencies in the development, which are to be included into the educational process. The report is intended for experts in digital electronics and software engineering, who are interested in collaboration in the area of educating qualified personnel. Discussion could be useful for experts, working in education, remarks…

8 Votes: I’m interested!
Boris Slavin

Subject-oriented information systems in enterprises

Intellectual growth of the human capital of a company, a manifold increase in the number of different applications and tools to access information, the convergence of personal and business information environments do “workstation” of each employee an unique and customized for his personal needs. This spontaneous trend need be considered when designing enterprise information systems, when forming the subject oriented corporate information systems.

5 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Kolesnikov

How we changed maintenance process for b2b-customers

As you know, a product cost is sum of costs for its creation and its support. Support (or maintenance) can sometimes take a much longer time than development. In my report, I will share my own experiences about transformation of maintenance processes in one of the units of the Company and tell you what is came out of it.

41 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Petrov

Acid Test for the DMN Language: Designing a Multi-Agent Intelligent System

Proposed as an OMG freshly-baked standard for decision-making modelling, the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) has caught a substantial interest of business analysts and requirements engineers. Indeed, DMN is fairly simple as regards Decision Requirements Diagrams (DRDs) and akin to other well-known OMG works, BPMN and CMMN. Assessing DMN feasibility for real-life tasks, we have decided on a medium-complexity software development project pertaining to a multi-agent dispatching system for…

8 Votes: I’m interested!
9 Votes: I’m interested!
Andrei Yafimau

Virtualthreading: New computers meta-architecture for direct fine-grained hardware multiprogramming

Significant progress has been made in solving variety of application programming tasks – covering a range as diverse as floating-point arithmetic, video image processing, cryptography, and TCP / IP protocols. This is because of their direct implementation in hardware of computing systems. Programming languages, starting from the Burroughs system, are also widely supported by hardware in a number of mainframes.

At the same time, despite the increasingly widespread parallel computing…

51 Votes: I’m interested!
Ivan Perl

Improving tests quality and automatic REST API documentation validation

This presentation is about practices that were developed in Oracle to improve automatic validation and generation of REST API documentation. These practices leads to significant improvement of documentation quality and allowed to introduce automatic sanity testing for REST API.

Target audience for this presentation are engineers, involved in development of high-scale enterprise solutions, both, at the engineering and QA ends.

Required knowledge level – average.

6 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Bulatitskiy

Business Analyst’s Role in Fraud Management and Revenue Assurance Solutions

A brief description of fraud management and revenue assurance. The domain influence on requirement development process.

15 Votes: I’m interested!
Vadim Tsesko

YoctoDB @ Yandex.Classifieds

We are going to present recently open sourced YoctoDB project — a small embedded Java-engine for extremely fast partitioned immutable-after-construction databases. We will briefly describe the architecture of indexing and search components, role and requirements on the search engine and our previous solution. Then we will dive into design and implementation of YoctoDB engine currently being used at Yandex.Auto and In conclusion we will describe several Java pitfalls met along the…

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Grigoriy Pechenkin

Human Factor 3D. How to choose a good approach to requirements development

A new method of selecting requirements development methods is proposed. The method is based on analysis of relations between the basic stakeholders: the development team, product customers and users.

17 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Chisler

Handle with IT Addiction: A Browser Extension for Overcoming Excessive TV-Series Streaming

People, who are involved in watching series online, cannot manage their time rationally and watch too much. We develop two different prototypes of browser extension for self-controlling, both of which are based on Behavioral Economics. The presentation will show how irrational the human is and which way is the better to handle with it.

63 Votes: I’m interested!
Zurab Beliy

The Myths and Legends of Java Stream API

Stream API became available in light of the arrival of Java 8 several years ago. Over this time, various stereotypes have emerged pertaining to Stream API. In this report, I will try to destroy some of those myths and help the developers to choose the “bright side”.

16 Votes: I’m interested!
Nikita Syskov

Development process issues. From testing perspective

Key success factor for almost every project — is the ability to solve issues and raise process quality. In this talk I’ll cover the most common issues that project managers have to solve. Mainly due to regular escalations from test team. Based on personal experience I’m going to show how different problems may be solved with quite modest efforts and process optimization. Talk is aimed on advanced audience.

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Pavel Boiko

Russian Real-Time Operating System for Microcontrollers Supporting Distributed Applications (RTOS MACS)

Device interaction issue is one of the most significant ones a developer has to deal with in distributed systems design work. The rapid development of embedded systems urges IT-industry to come up with new solutions to provide this device interaction by operating system services. Thus, these services could aid greatly in saving time, effort, and resources spent on application development. In this report, we would like to tell about a new Russian solution – real-time operating system that…

35 Votes: I’m interested!
Taya Rybak

Evolution from monkey testing to CI

The main problem in the transition to CI- is unavailability of people and processes to accelerate. I will report examples of a smooth transition and implementation processes and provides examples of a set of tools that help the smooth transition from chaos to continuous development

18 Votes: I’m interested!
Ruslan Savvotin

How to establish a design process in a small company?

Sometimes it is hard to build the full design process into small companies especially in cases when the design itself is just a picture-drawing. How should the whole process from the very first sketch to the working solution be carried out. This story is not only about the process esteblishment but the tools, too.

32 Votes: I’m interested!
Victoria Cherkalova

Reasons and example of why open source projects are a next step in collaboration of universities and IT companies.

In our presentation we’ll talk about the difficulties which appeared in project-oriented approach of universities-business collaboration. We’ll show how Open source projects help to struggle with these difficulties and as an example, we’ll demonstrate how an Open Source project in 6 months delivered benefits both for a university and a company.

9 Votes: I’m interested!
Aleksey Zinovev

To catch and overtake: Russian and foreign experience of usage qualitative methods in UX Research

This paper presents the results of the analysis of using qualitative methodology for UX researches in Western companies based on the data of 26 cases. On the examples of “Sobaka Pavlova” projects we will consider specifics of qualitative methodology usage in the Russian context. Practical recommendations will be given to using basic qualitative techniques for solving UX problems: interviews and observations. The report will be interesting to product managers, UX professionals…

18 Votes: I’m interested!
Andrey Shorin

How does serve 90 mln pictures and keeps drives spinning

First thing to do to show up to 1.5k pictures per second to our users is store them safely. That’s what we do* while ensuring enough throughput. Why did we choose to reinvent the wheel? And is there a better solution?

79 Votes: I’m interested!
Oleg Vlasenko

Companies and universities teamwork in IT specialists training OR How can an IT company helps universities train specialists for its own benefit? Regional experience

Universities are doing a pretty good job in basic training of IT specialists. However, no matter how strong the wish is, a university can’t catch up with the latest trend in fast changing technologies as successfully as IT companies do. This is why companies are often dissatisfied with the IT graduates’ level of knowledge. In this report I am going to tell you about the way we solved this problem in Ulyanovsk: we filled that gap between a freshly graduated IT specialist and…

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Selyaev

Retrospective small cook book

The practical guide of how to lead a retrospective. Questions, best practices, proposals.

19 Votes: I’m interested!
Mikhail Ostrogorskiy

DITA-based approach to requirements authoring

Word processing tools have poor functionality for requirements management. Requirements management systems are complicated, expensive, and produce ugly deliverables. DITA is the answer. The purpose of this lecture is to show how to use DITA as an authoring tool with good requirement management capabilities.

34 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Ragozin

Perfomance testing evolution – from basic automation to BDD

This session will cover evolution of performance testing methodology base on experience of few software projects. Starting from basic performance test automation, new challenges were driving evolution of performance testing approach. Well known practices from functional testing were adapted and adopted for for non-functional testing. Using BDD (Behavior Driven Development) for performances testing would be a culmination of evolution path covered by this session.

68 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexandyr Kutsan

How not to crash and burn on Scrum’s fast track of advantages: Scrum team testing organization and optimization when working with public sector customers

Amongst IT companies and project teams, in today’s world of software development, preference is being given ever more often to Agile methodologies of achieving visibility and transparency in software development and testing processes, improving their efficiency, and reducing project risks, which, as a result, yield a positive effect on the quality of the product. When applying Agile methodologies while working on projects, particularly for public sector customers, one must be prepared for…

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Yury Zagorulko

Dealing with forbidden content or how you can secure your hosting business

As a result of the latest changes in the Russian legislation concerning the IT sphere, controlling the content of information resources has become a headache of hosting services providers. This report offers an approach to solving this problem. We are going to present a system that enables the provider to carry out the step-by-step analysis of the content of a resource (preliminary filtering, thematic classification, genre analysis, decision making). The system can be customized for various…

78 Votes: I’m interested!
Anastasiya Kugach

Establishing the OKAY Internet Store Automated Testing Process

In my report, I would like to share my experience integrating automated software testing during the creation of OKAY Internet store. The establishment and debugging of the automated testing process, accompanied by a multitude of difficulties, entailed, in part, the debugging of continuous integration (CI) “from scratch”, as well as, due to the particularities of the IBM WebSphere Commerce platform, writing our own tool for CI. I have no doubt that the report will be of interest not only to…

38 Votes: I’m interested!

From first power-on to OS booting: software solutions for hardware issues

In my report I am making an attempt to take a look at the process of ARM SoC based device designing from point of view of a system software engineer. It is implied that system software includes besides OSes bootloaders, specific hardware tests and other engineering software. Moreover, fifty percent of my report is about how to deal with hardware issues of different nature. Provided list of possible root causes for most of cases and suggested simple algorithm to detect such an issue. The…

22 Votes: I’m interested!
Pavel Muzyka

Solving a Rubik’s cube: how to recover the architec-ture description of distributed enterprise system

Have you ever got into a situation when there is a complex enterprise system and the knowledge about its purpose and architecture design is lost? Several developers’ generations had already been turned and some changes to the system is to be deployed right now. Architecture description recovery is like solving a Rubik’s cube: if you have prepared recipe it could be done with your eyes closed. Otherwise, all you have to do is to re-glue stickers on sides. My presentation is about experience…

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Aleksei Kopytov

MySQL’s Strengths for High-Loaded Systems

These days many developers and DBAs have to deal with multiple databases. Knowing strengths and weaknesses of each database product becomes an increasingly important skill.

In the web market there is a lot of interest in comparative analysis of the two most popular open source databases: MySQL and PostgreSQL. The PostgreSQL community shows an estimable activity to highlight PostgreSQL’s strength and MySQL’s weaknesses.

In this talk we will discuss the other side of…

16 Votes: I’m interested!
Maxim Semenkin

IT-laboratory: source of manpower and startups

IT-laboratory – an educational project, source of manpower, a site for internships under the supervision of representatives of the city of Penza software companies. More than 30 students are working on the creation of 8 startups during the two summer months. The project involves more than 10 companies that represents the industry.

23 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Kamkin

Automated Development of Test Program Generators for Microprocessors on the Example of MIPS

We present a technology for creating test program generators for microprocessors and share our 10-years experience in that area. The technology is described on the example of MIPS, being, however, applicable to a wide range of computer architectures. We believe that our experience is of interest to people from the microprocessor design industry and also to system programmers.

11 Votes: I’m interested!
Nikolay Marin

Hyperledger Blockchain Implementation. Lessons Learned

IBM contributes a lot to a Hyperledger Blockchain community. We’ve done several pilot projects with clients recently. In my presentation I will share some of the lessons we’ve learned.

22 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Semenchenko

Laws of creating IT commands and laws effects for IT projects

We’ll discuss 16 laws. Then connect all those laws into one picture of IT world. Plus, there’s going to be a town of additional material for self-study, and deeper understanding and practical use in our everyday work. Material is based on many years of “managing” and “educational” work of reporter, and might be useful for everybody: starting from a young specialist to IT bison, at least, as a way for systematizing of practical experience. The talk will be…

18 Votes: I’m interested!
Konstantin Semenov

Requirements engeneering for contradictory regulations

Many applications targeted for global market assume that it clients will be acting under devirse, even contradictory financial and legal regulations. My presentation is about how to satisfy user expectations by combining different, often contradictory regulations in single common features.

19 Votes: I’m interested!
Alex Troshin
14 Votes: I’m interested!
Denis Silakov

Container Templates – Virtuozzo Approach

We will present a Virtuozzo approach for fast creation of containers (lightweight virtual environments) with preinstalled Linux distribution and custom set of applications. The approach uses modified package managers of target distributions to create cache images with file systems (which are used as a basis for new containers) and to manage installed software in already deployed containers. In this talk we will discuss advantages and limitations of this technique with respect to other…

30 Votes: I’m interested!
Olga Samarina

Project management office and analysis

Practical issues of analysis in project management office.

23 Votes: I’m interested!
Michael Kononov

WPAN for IoT

IoT world is rapidly growing. All kind of network configurations including Mesh is widely used. The article discusses wireless network protocols such as WiFi, Bluetooth Low Energy, ZigBee, WirelessHART and Thread that are used to solve the IoT challenges. We will describe how and when it is reasonable to use the above protocols. The following tasks will be covered in relation to the protocols: Demand/Response, Home/Building Automation and Health Care appliances.

18 Votes: I’m interested!
Aleksandr Serbul

Semantic – web – highload сontent-based recommendation system real-time Amazon Kinesis/Lucene

In the report we share the experience of creating a content-based Recommender system for electronic Commerce on the semantic core of the Runet. Describe how organized centralized collection and processing of information about the users visit more than 100,000 sites of various kinds on the basis of Amazon Kinesis. Share the experience of multithreaded online indexing of data streams in Lucene. Demonstrate the underlying ranking algorithms and the formation of personal recommendations to…

34 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Fyodorov

Help your neighbor, or How threads help each other

Non-blocking Michael-Scott queue algorithm uses a very interesting idea: threads, working with the queue, “help each other”. This algorithm and its modifications are used in many modern platforms, including and C++ and Java. In this talk, I will demonstrate the algorithm itself and show you exactly what it is I so admire.

35 Votes: I’m interested!
Victoria Piliptcevich

Frequent mistakes in communications on projects: we call, we correct

In workflow, we often make blunders in the organization of communications, which then we pay for more work, damaged nerves and our employees, loss of trust of our customers. I propose to consider two typical errors in communication: work with stakeholders without a strategy and goal; incorrect recording of the results of communication.

22 Votes: I’m interested!
Svetlana Mukhina

Resistance to change. How to help a team to live through process transformation

In my work I often face team resistance to new frameworks and process. We can’t see whether the new process or framework will work or not, just because people don’t want to change anything. Especially if “there is no critical problems on the project” In the talk I will describe coaching and facilitation techniques that help me to persuade the team to try new practices and approaches. These techniques can also help to decrease pain that changes can bring into…

39 Votes: I’m interested!
Maxim Dorofeev

Reliable Scrum: iterative development meets fixed deadlines

Reliable Scrum is a mixture of iterative Agile approach with critical chain project management (which is approach to project management for Theory of Constraints). This approach was proposed by Wolfram Muller and now is succesfully used in several software development companies where it is crucial to meet strict deadlines.

19 Votes: I’m interested!
Kirill Shirokov

Apache Storm from Hello World to implementation details

Apache Storm: short introduction, how to create Hello World application, implementation details, comparison to competing technologies: Heron, Spark, Flink.

98 Votes: I’m interested!
Igor Suhorukov

How to prevent CNC machine transformation to cartoon heroes “two of the casket”. Let’s use groovy/java to automate CNC

In this lecture we consider how to use numerical control approach in a home workshop. Know how the idea of a creator turns into a product. In conclusion of the session we consider the approach of sending G-code instructions for execution on NC from high-level languages. Students learn how this method allows you to use the familiar tools and technology for many IT professionals to generate and modify control programs.

21 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Kulikov

Data vizualization: how to turn data into image

How our brain precess the information? How to speed up this process? How visual elements help our brain to understand the data? I will speak about my own experience in analytical dashboards development in the international pharmaceutical company, principles of proper data visualization and business problems solving using data visualization.

18 Votes: I’m interested!
Maxim Zaytsev

“Госуслуги.Open”. Does government really need open source projects?

Open source IT projects become more and more trending nowadays. In this report I’ll share our experience of developing and marketing of open source project for state departments and offer the audience to discuss the results we got and decide does government really need open source projects?

Presentation would be useful for:

business owners and project managers who engaged in open source projects for government structures
all who cares of open source projects and…

28 Votes: I’m interested!
Maxim Bukovskiy

Champions League. Scrum in non-product core team

Our team is responsible for core development of geo-distributed high-load system (AdServer). We are differ from other teams. We have star players and no product as a fact (other product teams are our customers). In my speech I tell you about team planning through Belbin’s typical roles, team building with review and reworking of all the processes and approach to work, achieved results.

The level of auditory is practicing and experts.

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Boris Volfson

Why Agile doesn’t work anymore

No translation yet, sorry.

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Vasilyev

Using TOC on the Agile projects

Synthetic of methodologies Agile and Theory of Constraints for accomplishing projects on time.

52 Votes: I’m interested!
Lilia Sapurina

Developing an Automated Front-End Testing System with Protractor framework

The report describes the work in which the automated testing system is fully implemented. This system providing the user an extensive list of opportunities for testing.Protractor is a new and evolving framework. All presented in the report features are unique. The methods are obtained in a wide range of applications and are suitable for testing any web-based application developed using the Javascript language or AngularJS framework.

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Andrey Sadovykh

SysML as a Common Integration Platform for Co-Simulations – Example of a Cyber Physical System Design Methodology in Green Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems

We will present a work in progress related to Model-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) in the context of the Horizon2020 INTO-CPS project. The presentation highlights usage of the INTO-CPS UML profile, that extends SysML to enable defining co-simulations over Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) in the INTO-CPS platform. The method is illustrated with an example in Green Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems presenting preliminary results of a case study.

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Aleksei Pimenov
15 Votes: I’m interested!
Ivan Nemytchenko

Jenkins vs GitLab CI

I will show how GitLab uses its CI and how it is used by our clients. To give you a whole picture, I will demonstrate some crazy experiments. You would never think that something like this is possible to build with CI system

51 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Platov

Apache Ignite as alternative to Hadoop platform for remote wearable sensor data collection and analysis system development as in the case of a Holter ECG device

In this presentation, we would like to share our experience in using Apache Ignite as a NoHadoop platform to develop a web service for distributed monitoring and processing of data generated by wearable Holter ECG devices. The purpose of monitoring is early diagnosis and notification about patients with urgent cardiac conditions. The presentation provides the alternative to Hadoop ecosystem for processing large amounts of data. Its main auditory are BigData specialists. Also the…

22 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Khritankov

Industrializing Software Product Line Development for Small Companies

We have successfully adopted product line technology to manage reuse for a family of related software products and would like to share our results. Most published case studies on software product line engineering (SPLE) consider large companies and corporations. From our report, you will know how it is possible to apply SPLE to manage product families in small and medium companies. The report will be interesting to project and program managers, heads of product development and project…


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