Vladislav Kudinov
CEO, VeeRoute
Graduated from SPbU, where he studied at faculties of Mathematics and Economics. Works in IT and development for 12 years already, started 4 successful IT companies.
In September 2011 began to teach Project Management course in ITMO university, during his teaching career was assigned to be a director of ITMO Business Incubator. Starting from September 2014 is a founder and a CEO of VeeRoute.
Vadim Korotynski
CTO, VeeRoute
Vadim is responsible for VeeRoute’s platform development and support. Graduated from SPbMU, Oil and Gas faculty. Works in IT development for 12 years already, of which 5 years he was a CTO in Mobivision. Participated in the creation of Good Tracker logistics solution and biomodelling platform Bodynova.