Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference Russia 2016, October, Moscow CEE-SECR 2016 – Central and Eastern European Software Conference in Russia
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005
Yuri Panchul

Yuri Panchul

Senior Hardware Design Engineer in MIPS I6400 microprocessor development team

David West

David West

Mentor, author
Transcendence Corporation

Crystal Valentine

Crystal Valentine

VP Technology Strategy

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22 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Khritankov

Industrializing Software Product Line Development for Small Companies

We have successfully adopted product line technology to manage reuse for a family of related software products and would like to share our results. Most published case studies on software product line engineering (SPLE) consider large companies and corporations. From our report, you will know how it is possible to apply SPLE to manage product families in small and medium companies. The report will be interesting to project and program managers, heads of product development and project…

13 Votes: I’m interested!

Current state and future of solutions for develop enterprise cross-platform mobile applications.

Why hybrid mobile applications so popular in enterprise sector.

Overview of current solutions(Cordova/PhoneGap, Rhomobile), comparison with alternative solutions(Xamarin, Appcelerator, QT, RubyMotion, etc.).

Vision of architecture future solutions.

27 Votes: I’m interested!
Alex Chistyakov

Using Hadoop stack to build a cloud VAT declarations revising service

Recent changes in Russian federal law require organizations to submit tax information in electronic form. Federal Tax Service of Russia revises this information and sends automatically generated claims. “Kontur.NDS+” project helps businesses to perform this revising in the cloud before tax documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service. “Kontur.NDS+” is built on Hadoop stack (which is quite common), sharded and replicated Solr (which is quite common too, but…

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CEE-SECR 2017 will take place on October 20-21 in Saint-Petersburg

CEE-SECR Logo Competition

Special prices for the hotels and visa support are offered to the conference guests.


Deutsche Bank Technology CentreJetBrainsSAPFirst Line Software


Dell Technologies




T-SystemsKaspersky Lab

Main partners


In cooperation

Association for Computing MachineryACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Technical partners

Hosting-CenterVirtuozzoSoftInvent7pap StudioPrint SalonGroup MPrezent.ru

With support of


Partner conferences

ProfsoUXOutsource People 2016, MinskIT OtvetLinux PiterPiter PySoftware Quality Assurance DaysISDEF 2016

IT Events Calendar


Event partner


HR partners


Media partners

MSKIT.ruITSZ.ruNNIT.ruEast-West Digital NewsExpomapInternet in NumbersGoTech 2016PROJECT MANAGEMENT MagazineSystem Administrator JournalGorodRabotXPIR.ruApps4AllSarov TechnoparkICT-Online.ruSoftware EngineeringTrud.comHOTWORKPC Magazine/Russian Editionwww.bytemag.ruIT Market BestsellersCRN/Russian EditionPC Week/Russian EditionWorldIoT.ruApptractor.ruIT CrumbsKV.byDen ReymerWorkspaceCMS MagazineiAppleNews.ruInFuture.ruROBOTOSHACoreHardCOMAQA.BY12NEWSTypical ProgrammeriCharkogd.ru


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